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What We Do

We will give back to our Glen Arden mountain home, where so many of us had some of the most formative and memorable experiences of your childhood.

We have established the Camp Glen Arden Campership Fund, a donor advised fund that accepts tax-deductible financial gifts that support tuition for local campers who might otherwise not have the opportunity to attend Glen Arden. We sponsor an annual week of community service and stewardship to honor the values of kindness, giving, and love of nature that our directors engendered and inspired in us. And we hope to preserve those values instilled in us by Mary Bell and Casey Thurman by contributing to local outdoor education programming and stewardship of our environment through community partnerships. Click here for information on how to give.

We will continue to organize alumni and reunion weekends along with other alumni events to help you stay connected from coast to coast and with alumni and friends of Glen Arden from around the world. We hope you join us! Click here for event information.